Tachyon Chamber, Copper Merkabas, Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency combined with high grade Gemstones with over 800 remedies for specific conditions, Ceremonial Cacao Ceremonies, Roxiva Meditation Lamp with over 200 Light & Sound Journeys to choose from…
These are the tools Ada uses to help clients find their own spiritual path and frequency, remember who they are, and what they intended to do when they incarnated here on Earth.
Ada studied psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, then moved to Andalucia, Spain immersing herself in gypsy and flamenco culture.
Upon her return the USA, she worked in Hollywood as a film director and editor for 18 years, before being called to the Ascension Path, which took her from the pyramids of Egypt to Central Africa to Peru, before she settled in Sedona to share her knowledge with others on the Ascension Journey.
Formal Education
BA in Psychology (University of Pennsylvania)
MFA in Film Production (University of Southern California)
Mystery School Training (Egypt & Greece)
Awakening the Illuminated Heart Certification (Drunvalo Melchizadek)
Certified Ceremonial Cacao Practitioner (Keith's Cacao Training)