The Tachyon Healing Chamber – is located in the SQC Yurt:
Get bathed in Soul Path Aligning, Timeline Upgrading & Healing Tachyon particles from outer space, in real-time !
Your gains … healing … and activations CONTINUE after you leave Sedona, so you continue to RISE in frequency to bigger & better things life has to offer, which is your birthright! The right resources will be offered to you, before you leave.

Below is a short explanation from Dr. Joe McNamara, a medical doctor in Virginia – and the first person in the United States to acquire a tachyon chamber – about why he now prefers tachyon healing to his former practice in allopathic medicine.
Accelerates alignment with your Soul path & purpose, to no longer be ‘lost’ & spend less time ‘spinning your wheels’ going nowhere fast.
Is known to upgrade one’s personal timeline to ‘bigger & better’, to more easily attract opportunity …. the right people … times, place & events … thanks to the natural entrainment your toroidal field & non-physical bodies undergo to the super-high frequencies of tachyon particles
The first session tends to be a general & broad auric clearing, which typically only sensitives or energy workers feel
The tachyons then go deeper & start clearing & healing the higher spiritual/non-physical bodies in ensuing sessions to start upscaling your frequency, remove non-physical causes of stress, ‘dis-ease’, and other negative energies. Hence the recommendation for 5 Session booking.
Design & Sacred Geometry of the Chamber received directly from Pleiadians, by a well known Pleiadian Incarnate & Scientist from Europe.
Healing Tachyon particles portaled in through Crystal Wormhole Oscillators onboard a Genesis II Satellite in real-time, as you lie on the chamber bed. (Tachyon particles do not enter the earth’s atmosphere through the tachyon barrier but this specialized technology allows you to experience them)
Sessions kept to 20 mins, due to potency & current accretion capacity of most people, thanks to this Pleiadian design & portal technology… (to avoid too much spiritual, emotional or physical ‘detox’ all at once.)
1 SESSION – $70 for 20 mins:
For a complete “TUNEUP” to accelerate your results – $300 for 5 Sessions:
( … 5 individual sessions during a 2 and a half day period, is suitable for out of town visitors to Sedona)
Also ask us about our unique & specialized guided Audio [sessions] & Codes you wear – The support doesn’t stop once you leave Sedona….
For any questions – or to book a session outside of our normal hours: