Canyon Rose Retreat Oasis
Take Your Retreat to a
Quantum Level!
The natural environment surrounding the Canyon Rose, and the healing technologies within the center set this oasis apart from any other. Here, vibrational and energetic growth happen at a mystically relaxed pace. While your guests will be happy simply being in this setting, deeper transformations/upgrades occur when complimented by the health, performance and ascension technologies of Sedona Quantum Consciousness (SQC).

The Oasis
Only 5 minutes from uptown, nestled atop a ridge, between Sedona’s two highest mountains and two sacred creeks, lies our hilltop sanctuary – The Canyon Rose
Breathtaking 360 degree views combined with subtle vortex energies inspire greater health, connection to Spirit, peak experiences and other joyful possibilities. Stunning architecture and refined décor rendor this sanctuary a work of art.
Seasonal Features:
Breezes are natural to this canyon valley during the spring and summer providing a cooler environment during warmer months. Winter months are full of sunshine with occasional snow capping nearby mountain tops. Floor-to-ceiling windows give way to some of Sedona’s most majestic views…
• Wilson, Thompson and Munds mountains
• Oak Creek Canyon Valley
• Eagles, hawks, deer, javalina, ETs, orbs, fairies, squashies and other phenomena